KS3 Curriculum Overview

Year 7 Schemes of Work Overview

Below is an outline of the topics that students will receive during there time as a year 7 and
year 8 student at Arthur Terry. As Geography is compulsory until  the end of year 8 we
try and make the topics that students learn both engaging and stimulating. We  hope
 to achieve this by teaching very current topics  in dynamic ways, rather than resorting
 to 'old as time' textbooks. It is great to see that students truly enjoying learning a 
subject that we are all so passionate about!

Fantastic Places
1. What is Geography – Fantastic Places
2. Egypt
3. New Zealand
4. Brazil
5. Baseline Assessment

1. What is an ecosystem?
2. What is a tropical rainforest?
3. The structure of the rainforest
4.The disappearing rainforest
5. Bruce Parry Amazon
6. Creative Rainforest Journey
7. Protection and the Future
8. Coral Reef Ecosystems
9. Endangered Coral Ecosystems
10. Hot Deserts Enquiry
11. Hot Deserts Enquiry                                                   (Assessment question)
12. Hot Deserts Enquiry
13. Ecosystems Board Game

Desert Island Survival
1. Plane Crash – Emotional Thinking Wheel
2. Decision Making
3. Building a community
4. Mapping
5. Grid References
6. Compass Directions
7. Island Symbols
8. Field Sketches
9. Locating a new Settlement
10 . Scrapyard Challenge making your own settlement
11. End of unit test (including Geographical key skills)

Geography of Sport
1. Why do we study Sport in Geography
2. Location of football teams
3. Useful map symbols (generic not sport related)
4. Directions
5. Scrapyard challenge – building your own stadium
6. Getting to the game on time
7. Relocating the stadium
8. Why is Omar stitching footballs secretly at home? (Assessment question)
9. Olympic hosts
10. For or against hosting the Olympics
11. Regeneration of the Olympic site
12. What have you learned? Poster for or against the Olympics

1. Population growth
2. Population distribution factors
3. Population structure
4. Population change – The Demographic Transition Model
5. Migration
6. Death rates and birth rates
7. Assessment Question – Can the Earth Cope?
8. Settlement Location                                                                
9. Design your own settlement
10. Scrapyard Challenge – Make your own settlement

1.     How does weather affect me?
2.     How do we measure, record and present the weather?
3.     What are clouds are why does it rain?
4.     How does air pressure affect the weather?
5.     What can satellites tell us about the weather?
6.     What is Europe’s climate?
7.     What factors affect Europe’s climate?
8.     What have you learned about weather and climate? (assessment question)

Year 8

Tectonic Hazards
1. What are tectonic hazards?
2. Formation of boundaries
3. What happens during an earthquake
4. Prediction and Preparation
5. Haiti
6. The Kobe Earthquake effects and Mrs. Endo (assessment question)
7. Comparing LEDC and MEDC earthquakes (assessment question)
8. Introduction to tsunamis
9. Indonesia + Tsunami homework assessment (assessment question)
10. What happens during a volcanic eruption
11. What are the effects of a volcanic eruption
12. Tectonic board games
13. Tectonic board games
14. Tectonic board games

80 – 20 The Spread of Wealth
1. How can we classify development?
2. Where are the developed nations?
3. Does the North/South divide really exist? (assessment question)
4.  What causes global poverty? (Global development homework assessment)
5. Where is chocolate grown around the world?
6. The Chocolate Industry sectors
7. Fairtrade
8. How fair is fairtrade?
9. Chocolate apprentice lesson – Design your own bar.
Coastal Environments 
1. Why is the coastline constantly changing?
2. How is the coast eroded by wave action?
3. How does the sea move and deposit material?
4. What are the causes and effects of cliff collapse?
5. How can coastal areas be managed?
6. How do coastal defences affect people?
7. Should Happisburgh have sea defences?
8. Lulworth Heritage Centre display (assessment question)
9. Lulworth heritage Centre display peer assessment

Think Act 
1. What is global warming
2. Causes of global warming
3. Effects of global warming
4. Global warming project
5. Global warming project
6. Global warming project                      (assessment question)
7. Cutting carbon emissions
8. Global footprint

 1. What is tourism
2. Growth of tourism
3. Changes to tourism
4. A New Spain
5. Espane Neuva
6. Are you ready to catch the waves
7. Surfing in the UK
8. Surfing passion or fashion
9. Is tourism good for everyone
10. Surfing mystery
11. Wish you were here mystery
12. Wish you were here mystery                      (assessment question)
13. Tourist Location Assessment