Tuesday, 17 July 2012

"Unique" Geographical Tags

Today in Geography we had a go at designing our own Geographical Tags inspired by  Meshu after reading this article.

The lesson was really simple... all that the students had was a world map and an Atlas.

Their first task was to find 10 countries that were of interest to them. Some chose places they had been or just countries they wanted to visit in the future. They then drew a line from the UK to their first country of choice before going on to the second, third and so on. After their last destination country they return the line back to the UK and therefore completing their diagram. All the diagrams will be different as students have a complete free reign over which countries they visit along the way!

The diagrams were then cut out before moving on to a European map and a South American map.... a useful and fun way for students to interact with the locations of countries!

Looking forward, the same idea could be applied in the first few lessons back to introduce students to how an atlas works in Year 7 or maybe even to essay planning as a template.

Hopefully some photos to follow!!

Try it out!! It was great fun.

Mr. Simmons