The Geography department at Arthur Terry has been very successful in the past. However as outstanding educators it is our responsibility to ensure that the students have the very best opportunities available to them, it is time now to step on and strive to become a world class department.
We are fortunate to have class after class, year on year of excellent students that crave education. With well paced and engaging lessons; our students can learn, understand, achieve and most importantly enjoy their learning experience within our classrooms.
This blog will have several different roles. We hope that it can be used to shared the excellent work we do outside of our department by making links with other departments that share a forward thinking, creative, independent and technologically driven practice. Our involvement on twitter (@arthurterrygeog) has already helped to bring exciting concepts shared by others, back into our classroom and we hope that this will only continue in the future.
It is also hoped that the students and people at home will be able to see the great work that students do within Geography on a regular basis within an accessible way, rather than just catching a glimpse of student work whilst walking down school corridors every now and again.
The title of this post is "keeping up appearances"... taking the popular 90's sitcom as muse. We are hoping that this blog will be a very transparent look into our classrooms. Showing the work that both our students and teachers do on a regular basis.
In a slightly ironic way, the first few posts will be a slightly retrospective view on the exciting work that was done over the last term.
Thanks for reading.
Mr. Simmons